The Digital Media Out-Of-Home begins somewhat with the use of electrical transmissions, where advertisers started looking for ways to get the attention of their customers through electrical signals. The concept of Digital Media Out-Of-Home took shape with the popularization of the VCRs, used in businesses during the 80’s but it was after the 90’s that the concept took off with the popularization of the video and the internet.

Later on, with an adequate telecommunications infrastructure and the evolution of PC’s, softwares were created to manage the abundant availability of content, we were watching as the market demanded new effective marketing techniques. More recently with the maturation of electronic of flat and thin displays, frame type and screens technologies influenced the architecture, the environment and the design of furniture and appliances.

The way the space is occupied for the placement of the electronic displays enabled networks and platforms to distribute quality of information, in the right places, at the right time, pointing to the path of a much more interactive segmentation and personalization of content.

Certainly, here is an improved and expanded version of your text on Media History:

The history of media is a story of constant evolution and innovation, with each new technology opening up new possibilities for advertisers to reach their target audiences. The origins of Digital Media Out-Of-Home (DMOOH) can be traced back to the early use of electrical transmissions, where advertisers sought ways to use electrical signals to capture the attention of potential customers.

However, it wasn’t until the popularization of VCRs in the 1980s that the concept of DMOOH began to take shape. Businesses began using video to promote their products and services, and as technology continued to evolve throughout the 1990s, digital media and the internet became increasingly prevalent. The advent of high-speed internet and the proliferation of personal computers created a demand for effective marketing techniques that could be used online.

In recent years, the maturation of flat and thin display technologies has revolutionized the DMOOH industry. With displays becoming thinner and more flexible, designers have been able to incorporate them into a wider variety of environments and create new opportunities for advertisers to reach their audiences. The use of electronic displays has allowed for the distribution of quality information to be delivered in the right places, at the right time, leading to a much more interactive segmentation and personalization of content.

The space occupied by these electronic displays has enabled the creation of networks and platforms that can distribute content to specific audiences, allowing advertisers to target their messages with unprecedented accuracy. The result is a more efficient and effective way to reach potential customers, with content that is tailored to their interests and preferences.

As the history of media continues to evolve, it’s clear that DMOOH will play an increasingly important role in the way that advertisers communicate with their audiences. With new technologies constantly emerging and changing the way we interact with media, the possibilities for DMOOH are endless, and the future of advertising has never looked brighter.

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