POPAI-USA Statistics indicate that motion displays enhance sales by 150%. A study by Arbitron indicates that about 155 million people (67% of the population) over 18 years in the United States have been exposed to some form of Digital Media Out-of-Home in the last 30 days. According to the survey, 76% of the participants said they had seen this type of media in several different places. In the retail industry, markets, restaurants, department stores, pharmacies, shopping centers and convenience stores are the most cited areas.

Arbitron shows that the digital panels are most viewed by young people between 18 and 34 years..

Ipsos Marplan did a similar study in Brazil specifically on Carrefour and Extra supermarkets. The study was conducted in São Paulo and Greater Recife, aiming to analyze the contribution of digital media to these businesses.

According to the study there was an 18% increase in sales in the categories announced on the flat screens inside the stores, in relation to what the consumer had planned to purchase before arriving to the establishment.

The average spent on both establishments was R$180.00, with 75% of the participants on the research attended the supermarket at least twice a month. The intention to purchase over the next 12 months was as follows: 37% responded electronic products, 29% cars and motorcycles, and 26% plan to spend on travel and vacation.

The statistical research conducted by SeeSaw Networks (June 2007 / July 2008), and published on MediaPost, highlights the power of digital panels to generate consumer interest. 

In a macro level, the media is efficient, 70% of Americans over the age of 12 years old have seen some kind of Digital Media in a public place last month, and 52% also saw some kind of digital media in the past week. Digital Media Out-Of-Home in public spaces, says the research, reaches more Americans in a month than videos shared on Facebook, Hulu and Youtube together. The MIOOH is engaging people, with 47% recall of specific ads they saw on screen last month. Almost 20% of those who saw an ad will make a purchase you did not plan for them.

The MIOOH is being seen as a key element for large advertisers, and being recognized as an addition to any campaign, even in social media. The top 10 advertisers in the United States spent each more than a million dollars in the few past months.

As an industry, the Digital Media Out-Of-Home is demonstrating that is relevant, consistent, predictable and easy to invest in. It is also very clear that it is a complement to any campaign and it gives more scope and substance to any project.

When Crest wanted to increase their sales, they chose the Digital Media, which increased by 38% the customer’s intent to buy the brand. When FedEx wanted to increase the recall of an ad, the Digital Media increased by 32%. When Nescafe wanted to motivate consumers to buy, Digital Media triggered a 200% increase in purchase intent. These numbers are being repeated by different networks, from small to big chains such as Wal-Mart and others. Strong campaign results are becoming predictable. There is a clear and fully measured and validated growth that MIOOH is showing that increases awareness and recall to the brand or campaign.

Garry McGuire, CEO of Reach Media Group.

Font: iMediaConnectionacts

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